Nebula Plant
Req. Exp.: 5,000
Droid Assembly Complex
Req. Exp.: 10,000
This plant collects nebula gas with two giant rotating arms and mixes it with exotic matter under extreme pressure. The resulting reaction produces enormous amounts of energy, much more than could ever be produced from normal matter, even with a 100% conversion rate. Nebula gas is left as a byproduct.
The Droid Assembly Complex builds the most important component of powerful defense systems - droid modules. Robots are modified here, programmed with highly sophisticated AI algorithms and converted to radioactive cell power systems. In times of conflict droid modules are in high demand and a Droid Assembly Complex can be a very lucrative business.
Handweapons Factory
Req. Exp.: 5,000
Robot Factory
Req. Exp.: 5,000
Hand Weapons are manufactured in these impressive space castles, even called 'modern art' by many. Only an elite few can afford such an industrial status symbol.
No, that's no moon - that's a robot factory! The production is fully automated but supervision and product control are in the hands of breathing personnel. Just remember the common phrase "Never trust a robot", especially when they build others of their species.
Military Outpost
Req. Exp.: 10,000
Trade Outpost
Req. Exp.: 10,000
This extended structure is built to enclose spheres of influences. It it used mainly by alliances to protect sectors from foes or collect tolls from passing ships.
* Upkeep dependent on surveillance grid strength set by the owner. [MECH:Military Outposts]
Trade Outposts are self-sufficient modules with extended cargo/defense capacities and life support systems. They enable free trade and can be upgraded to starbases in remote parts of the universe.
Drug Station
Req. Exp.: 5,000
Dark Dome
Req. Exp.: 5,000
Even more inhuman than the slave camps, these facilities house the development and production of ever-stronger drugs. In these drug stations the darkest crimes in the universe are committed, using the lone production of slaves (primarily as guinea-pigs). Reputedly very few ever manage to escape from these forbidden stations; their desiccated corpses to be found in the remotest parts of dune planet Zirr.
* Members of The Shadow Syndicate enjoy the benefit of automatically being provided with slaves by their organization, and have therefore one slave less base upkeep.
No one knows what exactly happens in these rare fully automated high-tech buildings, but allegedly leaked police reports read like this: Slaves go in, bodyparts come out.
Sometimes this universe is a scary place to live in.
* Members of The Shadow Syndicate enjoy the benefit of automatically being provided with slaves by their organization, and have therefore one slave less base upkeep.
** Type of product matches the one which is produced in black market dark corners in the same region.
Leech Nursery
Req. Exp.: 10,000
:1 :3
Battleweapons Factory
Req. Exp.: 5,000
The space leech in its natural habitat is rare and difficult to capture, so the Leech Nursery was developed to meet the demand for young leeches. Here adult leeches hollow out nutrient clods and deposit eggs inside; the nutrient clod provides sustenance to the developing eggs and newly hatched leeches. When the nutrient clod is nearly consumed the young leeches are placed in cryogenic transport capsules and are ready for sale.
Battleweapons Factories produce integral components of both ship and starbase weapons. Without them shipyards are unable to complete ship weapon systems, and starbase defenses would be virtually nonexistent. As pilots are constantly changing or upgrading ships, a Battleweapons Factory should provide a steady income.
Alliance Command Station
Req. Exp.: 10,000
Stim Chip Mill
Req. Exp.: 10,000
:2 or
Keeping track of buildings over one system is not very hard, but with holdings all over a cluster it can become a nightmare. This automated station monitors activities near all buildings owned by an alliance, and relays alert messages if any assets were to come under attack. This not only allows quick retaliation against raiders and pirates, it also warns an alliance of much more dangerous massive attacks.
It is possible to install up to three Alliance Command Station specific modules on an Alliance Command station, each of which allowing the alliance to monitor one additional kind of attack. These modules break after 30 days.