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Advanced Skills


Advanced Combat Skills

Priming Skills

Combat Mastery

Combat Mastery

ASP: 24
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Combat Mastery, you are able to become acquainted with higher forms of combat techniques, such as Combat Efficiency and Combat Modes.

Ambush Mastery

Ambush Mastery

ASP: 14
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Ambush Mastery you are able to acquire advanced ambush techniques, such as Ambush Endurance and Ambush Fallback.

Weapon Mastery

Weapon Mastery

ASP: 8
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Weapon Mastery, you are able to become acquainted with weapon class specialization, such as C, EM, or O Weapon Specialization.

Chronoton Collection

Chronoton Collection

ASP: 16
Levels: 1

Every spacecraft creates tiny rips into the space-time continuum while traveling at high speeds. Through this phenomena chronoton particles are emitted, which you are able to automatically collect using this skill. These chronotons can be used to fabricate timebombs.



ASP: 12
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Boosts, you are able to become acquainted with higher forms of boost techniques, such as the Agility Boost. A boost is a bonus to skills or other things, usually limited by a relatively short period of time. It cannot be deactivated manually.

It is only possible to activate one boost at a time.

Effective Skills

Combat Efficiency

Combat Efficiency

ASP: 18
Levels: 4

Each level of Combat Efficiency reduces the amount of APs needed in open combat (but not ambushes) by 2%.

Offensive Combat

Offensive Combat

ASP: 14
Levels: 3

Offensive Combat mode means sacrificing 50% of both your actual maneuver and engineering skills for a bonus in your actual hit accuracy and weaponry skills.

The skill bonuses are:
+15% for Level 1
+30% for Level 2
+45% for Level 3

Combat modes are active in all kinds of combat (also ambushes).

Defensive Combat

Defensive Combat

ASP: 10
Levels: 3

Defensive Combat mode means sacrificing 40% of both your actual hit accuracy and weaponry skills for a bonus in your actual maneuver and engineering skills.

The skill bonuses are:
+10% for Level 1
+20% for Level 2
+30% for Level 3

Combat modes are active in all kinds of combat (also ambushes).

Ambush Endurance

Ambush Endurance

ASP: 14
Levels: 4

Each level of Ambush Endurance extends the number of combat rounds you are able to attack in ambushes (but not open combat) by 1 round.

Ambush Fallback

Ambush Fallback

ASP: 12
Levels: 2

The higher your Ambush Fallback skill, the farther away you can choose your retreat point for ambushes.
From Level 1 on, retreat through one wormhole is possible.

The retreat distances are:
14 for Level 0
22 for Level 1
33 for Level 2

C Weapon Specialization

C Weapon Specialization

ASP: 12
Levels: 4

It takes a skilled pilot to increase the performance of conventional weapons, but with this specialization you are able to do it.

Every level of this skill increases the class-bonuses for your C-weapons by 5 percentage points.

EM Weapon Specialization

EM Weapon Specialization

ASP: 14
Levels: 4

It takes a skilled pilot to increase the performance of electro-magnetic weapons, but with this specialization you are able to do it.

Every level of this skill increases the class-bonuses for your EM-weapons by 5 percentage points.

O Weapon Specialization

O Weapon Specialization

ASP: 14
Levels: 4

It takes a skilled pilot to increase the performance of organic weapons, but with this specialization you are able to do it.

Every level of this skill increases the class-bonuses for your O-weapons by 5 percentage points.

Timebomb I Construction

Timebomb I Construction

ASP: 10
Levels: 3

By constantly collecting chronotons, you are able to create a timebomb every 7 days. A timebomb can be placed anywhere on open space (any tile free of buildings / planets / starbases / wormholes / ...) and will detonate once one of your foes enters its field. Only you can see where you have placed it. Because of a timebomb's trigger mechanism, having to check your foe list, it is only possible to place one timebomb at a time, even if you could have created a new one.

The Type I Timebomb creates a separate bubble of space-time and has this effect when it hits foes:
Level 1: Stuns for 15 seconds
Level 2: Stuns for 35 seconds
Level 3: Stuns for 60 seconds

While stunned, the foe cannot move, but if you enter his frame of time (=his field), he will be able to defend himself or attack you.

Timebomb II Construction

Timebomb II Construction

ASP: 10
Levels: 3

By constantly collecting chronotons, you are able to create a timebomb every 7 days. A timebomb can be placed anywhere on open space (any tile free of buildings / planets / starbases / wormholes / ...) and will detonate once one of your foes enters its field. Only you can see where you have placed it. Because of a timebomb's trigger mechanism, having to check your foes list, it is only possible to place one timebomb at a time, even if you could have created a new one.

The Type II Timebomb creates a separate bubble of space-time and has this effect when it hits foes:
Level 1: Foe loses 500 Action Points
Level 2: Foe loses 1000 Action Points
Level 3: Foe loses 1500 Action Points.

Agility Boost

Agility Boost

ASP: 8
Levels: 4

This boost sacrifices some of your long-term movement (adding a +2 movement cost for navigation) in exchange for +5% maneuver skill per boost-level. The Agility Boost is active for about 12 hours.

Taming Boost

Taming Boost

ASP: 8
Levels: 4

This boost sacrifices some of your long-term movement (adding a +2 movement cost for navigation) in exchange for a -10% chance of being tractored by non-mechanic opponents per boost-level. The Taming Boost is active for about 12 hours.

Cloaking Boost

Cloaking Boost

ASP: 8
Levels: 4

This boost sacrifices some of your long-term movement (adding a +2 movement cost for navigation) in exchange for +10% cloaking skill per boost-level. The Cloaking Boost is active for about 12 hours.

Advanced General Skills

Priming Skills



ATP: 26
ASP: 26
Levels: 5

An enlightened and calm pilot is an efficient pilot. With Meditation you can increase your maximum of receivable action points by 100 action points per meditation level.

By opening your mind even further, you are able to delve into the high arts of trip control and neural engineering.

Structure Mastery

Structure Mastery

ATP: 8
ASP: 8
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Structure Mastery, you are able to acquire advanced structure maintenance techniques, such as Shield Charging, Shield Powering, and Hull Fortification.

Underground Trade

Underground Trade

ATP: 20
ASP: 20
Levels: 1

By building up shady, underground connections, this skill allows you to become acquainted with Sneakiness and Haggling.

Hack Mastery

Hack Mastery

ATP: 24
ASP: 24
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Hack Mastery, you are able to acquire advanced hacking techniques, such as Hack Efficiency and Echo Hack.



ATP: 36
ASP: 36
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Mercenarism, you are able to become acquainted with higher forms of mission handling, such as Efficient Dealmaking, Time Management, Escorting, Transport Pay Negotiation.



ATP: 18
ASP: 18
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Expertise, you are able to become acquainted with new methods to ease frequent piloting difficulties, such as Explosives Handling, Advanced Maintenance, Navigation.

Cargo Organization

Cargo Organization

ATP: 34
ASP: 34
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Cargo Organization, you are able to become acquainted with higher forms of utilizing restricted cargo room, through skills such as Package Clustering and Packing Mastery.

Orbiter Mastery

Orbiter Mastery

ATP: 30
ASP: 30
Levels: 1

By learning the high art of Orbiter Mastery, you are able to become acquainted with higher forms of control over the orbiters attached to your ship, allowing you to enhance Beneficial Orbiters and effectively detect and eradicate Parasitic Orbiters.

Effective Skills

Trip Control

Trip Control

ATP: 40
ASP: 40
Levels: 1

By using your meditative powers, your awareness during drug trips will rise, giving you the ability to transcend and control them.

In practice, the effect of diminished AP gain from drugs will be shifted by one trip per meditation level.

Neural Engineering

Neural Engineering

ATP: 40
ASP: 40
Levels: 1

Neural engineering is the process of using meditation to alter your brain's receptivity to the impulses of stim chips.

In practice, your gain of APs from a stim chip will increase by 2 per meditation level.

Shield Charging

Shield Charging

ATP: 30
ASP: 30
Levels: 1

By becoming more familiar with your ship's energy matrices, you can double the recharge rate of your shields.

Shield Powering

Shield Powering

ATP: 16
ASP: 16
Levels: 2

By manipulating and tweaking your shield's energy throughput and analyzing its bottlenecks, you can increase the strength performance of your shields.

The strength bonuses are:
+25% for Level 1
+50% for Level 2

Note that you won't notice a change in your shield points, but in absorbancy - similar to armor strength.

Hull Fortification

Hull Fortification

ATP: 16
ASP: 16
Levels: 2

A ship's hull strength is - contrary to popular belief - not a set value carved into stone. With this skill you are able to optimize your ship's hull structure, effectively increasing its strength.

The hull-strength bonuses are:
+20% for Level 1
+40% for Level 2

Note that you won't notice a change in your hull points, but in absorbancy - similar to armor strength. The absorbancy of fortified hull also applies to wormhole-damage.



ATP: 16
ASP: 16
Levels: 4

Decreases your chances of being caught by local authorities in black market transactions by 10% per level.



ATP: 16
ASP: 16
Levels: 3

Increases all black market sell-prices by 2% per level; decreases all black market buy-prices by 2% per level.

Hack Efficiency

Hack Efficiency

ATP: 10
ASP: 10
Levels: 4

Each level of Hack Efficiency reduces the amount of APs needed for any hack-type by 3%.

Echo Hack

Echo Hack

ATP: 50
ASP: 50
Levels: 1

Shows the sector of cloaked/dematerialized ships in the Freak and Guru hacks.

Efficient Dealmaking

Efficient Dealmaking

ATP: 12
ASP: 12
Levels: 2

Reduces the amount of APs needed for accepting a mission or a task by 20% per level.

Time Management

Time Management

ATP: 14
ASP: 14
Levels: 2

Increases the time given for usual short-term missions by 5 minutes per level. Increases the time given for long-term missions by 5 hours per level.



ATP: 8
ASP: 8
Levels: 3

Increases the amount of money paid by escorted VIPs by 3% per level.

Transport Pay Negotiation

Transport Pay Negotiation

ATP: 16
ASP: 16
Levels: 3

Package missions increase in payout by 15% / 30% / 45% and explosives missions by 7.5% / 15% / 22.5%.

Explosives Handling

Explosives Handling

ATP: 18
ASP: 18
Levels: 3

Only part of any conventional explosives on board detonate:

Level 1: 80%-85%
Level 2: 60%-70%
Level 3: 40%-55%

Reduced damage when military explosives detonate:

Level 1: 85%-90%
Level 2: 70%-80%
Level 3: 55%-70%

Advanced Maintenance

Advanced Maintenance

ATP: 18
ASP: 18
Levels: 2

Doubles (at level 1) or triples (at level 2) the amount of repaired hull and armor points when docked at one of your buildings. Also restores 0.1% points of condition of all installed equipment per skill level every three hours while docked at one of your buildings.



ATP: 30
ASP: 30
Levels: 3

Decreases your movement cost on certain terrains by 1 Action Point:

Level 1: Asteroids
Level 2: Nebula, additionally
Level 3: Energy, additionally

Package Clustering

Package Clustering

ATP: 18
ASP: 18
Levels: 3

Packages can be added to packed goods for 50 / 15 / 0 APs depending on the skill level. At level 3 packages are automatically added to packed goods when accepting transport missions. Package missions can be completed with packages in packed space - no unpacking required.

Packing Mastery

Packing Mastery

ATP: 18
ASP: 18
Levels: 3

The size of packed goods decreases by an additional 5% points per skill level in relation to their unpacked state.

Leech Husbandry

Leech Husbandry

ATP: 16
ASP: 16
Levels: 2

Taking the time to learn how to properly care for your Space Leech will be reflected in the leech's speed at which it learns new skills.

Skill advancement speed increases by:
20% at Level 1
40% at Level 2

Drone Efficiency

Drone Efficiency

ATP: 24
ASP: 24
Levels: 2

By learning how to keep the sensitive inner workings of your electronic orbiter (X-993 Repair Drone, Neural Stimulator) properly synchronized, you can improve its efficiency.

Efficiency increases are:
+ 25% at Level 1
+ 50% at Level 2

Parasite Detection

Parasite Detection

ATP: 10
ASP: 10
Levels: 2

Learning about the basic behavior of parasitic life forms enables you to quickly detect and eradicate any pests that may attach to your ship, and with continued study even manipulate their behavior.

Level 1: Detect and remove parasitic orbiters immediately.
Level 2: Attract parasitic orbiters to your ship. Transfer attached parasitic orbiters to another ship.

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Last modification on this page: 2015-08-03

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