Online characters:70
Active characters:7,617
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Premium Accounts


Premium Features

Welcome, fellow pilot, to the Project PEAC (Pardus Exploration And Colonization) Headquarters!

Premium Signup

By signing up for a Premium Account you directly support the maintainance and further development of Pardus. Besides that, all your characters gain access to the following unique features:

  • Maximum Storable APs: +500

    Store 500 Action Points more - use your accumulated APs more efficiently!
    AP regeneration rate will not increase.
    Accumulate 500 APs more

  • 11×9 Space Chart

    Broaden your horizon and navigate on 11×9 instead of just 9×7 fields!

    Space Chart 9x7Space Chart 11x9

  • Game Universes

    Universe PegasusA whole universe, Pegasus, is reserved for Premium Accounts only! Enjoy your additional exquisite play-time. Additionally, you may create a character in all universes, even in those marked as 'full'. Premium Accounts have priority.

  • Pardus Cluster

    Gaia PlanetGain entrance to the Pardus Cluster by passing the Lucidi blockades: Huge sectors with nooks and opportunities for you and your comrades, Gaia planets, wrecks and treasures, the colossal Pardus Sector filled with 20 new NPC types and the mysterious Lucidi with their Pardus armors and weapons await you. Put your exotic crystals to a good use!
    Direct your faction's fate yourself by establishing and defending its territory interactively with your starbase and the help of your alliance mates.
    Bronze Medal of ConquestSilver Medal of ConquestGold Medal of ConquestThe Pardus Cluster also plays a special role in Faction Wars.
    Lucidi Military Outpost Sealed Wormhole Lucidi Mothership

    Feel your way through the dangerous Viral Cloud Examine wrecks of long forgotten colonies

  • Improved Cloning

    If your ship gets destroyed, you lose just 4% experience instead of 5%, and 1.2% of your skills instead of 1.5%.
    Additionally, your crew's hazard pay is reduced 100% faster.

  • Elite Rank

    Fleet Admiral     King/Queen     Mogul

    War Nova   Sheppard Warp Gate
    Apply to your faction's Elite and get promoted to Fleet Admiral, King/Queen, or Mogul! Only the best of the best will be accepted into this most exclusive circle.

    Ultimate ships and devices wait for you to be utilized: The Federation's War Nova, monumental Empire weapons, or phenomenal Union gadgets like the Key of Sheppard.

  • Paint Shops

    • Tired of refreshing your ship paint? Paint it permanently and have any temporary paints revert back to the permanent paint! See [TWOP:Ship Paints] for all possible paint jobs.
    • Acquire a license to paint and run your own paint shop on your starbase! Depending on your clientele, this can be a highly lucrative business.
  • More Usability

    No more scrolling down menus in the combat screen: Press one of the five fully customizable combat buttons and launch a quick attack!
    Combat Buttons

    Switch to Compact Mode in the bulletin boards or your Job Overview screen for faster job acceptance and improved synopsis - columns can be sorted:

    Job Overview in Compact Mode

    Organize your contacts into groups and save time handling permissions and restrictions.

    Contact Groups

  • Logging and Tracking Features

    • Download CSV files of all your logs to handle your business in Pardus more efficiently!
    • Missed some days of GNN news? Download the latest 250 news entries of your category of choice!
    • Interested in the universe's special events? Download the news entries of all past special events!
    • Download the 250 most recent war history entries.
    • Keep your PMs for 30 instead of 7, and logs for 15 instead of 3 days.
    • Track your skill gains up to the 4th decimal place.

      Track your Skill Gains

    • Track your stats: credits, experience, rank, reputations. Watch your Credits/APs and Experience/APs for optimal control of your efficiency.

      Track your Stat Gains

    • Use your Pilot Log to mark all of your important notes, priorities, tasks and achievements. Private Messages can be copied to this place with one single click. Downloading the log as a txt file is as easy.
    • Save notes for each of your contacts, up to 10,000 characters per contact. Notes remain even after your account has downgraded to Free status.

  • More Statistics

    • Observe how well you perform towards other players by viewing your personal Stats Comparison.
    • Pore over detailed statistics after all your combats.

      Combat Statistics

  • Advanced Forum, PM and Chat Control

    • Create forum polls.
    • Give your Private Messages a personal touch with your signature, appearing in one of 25 selectable colors.


    • Choose from 8 more chat colors.
    • See up to 240 displayed chat lines instead of only 60, when entering a chat channel.
    • At a glance you can see information about recent chat activity, even when fighting pirates.

  • Extended Profile

    Extend your profile with the following automatically generated content:
    Account type, Friends / foes set, Set as friend / foe, Equipment, Crew, Orbiter, Buildings, NPC Kills, Career Log

  • Renaming

    Dissatisfied with your old name? Change it to a better one!

  • Email Notification

    Don't miss anything! Receive a notification by email whenever a new message or log arrives (configurable).

  • Account Identification

    Turn your account instantly into an identified account for the duration of the Premium Account. An identified account lets you share your computer with one non-identified account or other identified accounts. This means you may invite a friend or family member to play Pardus on the same device.
    Additionally, Premium Characters will never be automatically deleted because of character inactivity.

Premium Signup

If you have any questions concerning Premium Accounts, please visit the Premium Accounts FAQ.

Last modification on this page: 2018-05-24

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