Commodity Pricecommprice := p_0*(10)^(-amount/max)Constants: p_0: Price when amount is 0. [REF:Commodities & Planets]Example: Buying water (p_0 is 200) at amount 30, Max 50. Cloakingchancetofail := (size*inv_fieldrad)/(skill*10)chancetosucceed := 1-chancetofail Constants: inv_fieldrad:Example: Interceptor (size 8) in nebula (inv_fieldrad 4) and cloaking skill 12. Teleporting (Robbing)stolenamount := ceil(3*(rand(0, engskill/2)-shieldpts/150))Variables: engskill: Engineering skill of thiefExamples: (counting only random midvalues 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc.) stolenamount (if teleport was successfull):Always the most valuable goods are stolen. Building Tractor BeamsThe chance to hold a ship for another round of combat is dependent on the attacking ship's size.chance_to_tractor (in percent) = 55 – 9 * LN((ship_size - 4) / 4) A standard tractor beam multiplies this value with 0.8. An advanced tractor beam multiplies this value with 1. Examples:
Movement Costmvcost := visc-drivespeedConstants and Variables: visc:Examples: Movement of 1 field in asteroids with drivespeed 2: Building production/consumption levelsLevel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... production := round (basevalue * (1 + 0.5*(level-1))) upkeep := round (basevalue * (1 + 0.4*(level-1))) Constants and Variables: basevalue: [REF:Buildings]Examples: Space Farm with production level 7:Warning: When baselevels are low (especially: 1), changes may only take effect after two upgrades due to rounding! Additionally, bonuses and penalties may apply due to [REF:Special Events] and [MECH:Alliance Territory]. Military outpost upkeep costsUpkeep of MOs is dependent on the surveillance grid strength as configured by the building's owner.Upkeep consists of energy, fuel, and, beginning with a grid strength of 11, radioactive cells. During war, half of the upkeep (ceiled) is provided by the building owner's warring faction. energy = min(15, 5 + grid_strength) Faction bountiesAside from a base value for the committed crime, rewards of faction bounties on a player's head (type "kill") also factor in the target's experience and kill/death ratio.multiplier = max(1, max(0.2, min(20, xp/50000)) * max(0.1, min(10, (k+1)/(d+1)))) reward = floor(multiplier * basevalue / 100) * 100 The sum of all bounties on a player's head placed by one faction cannot exceed a certain limit. limit = floor(max(10000, min(1000000, xp) * max(0.1, min(5, (k+1)/(d+1)))) / 1000) * 1000 Crime levelEvery day, crime levels are calculated for each cluster (except the Pardus core). For this, a universal crime factor (ucf) is determined preliminarily:ucf = max(0.2, min(2, cn_total/active_characters)),where active_characters is the amount of characters which have been online within the last 2 weeks, and cn_total is the sum of crime numbers (cn) of each cluster: cn = plvls + 5*tss_pilots - 5*eps_pilotsplvls denotes the sum of all production levels of illegal buildings of the cluster, tss_pilots and eps_pilots the amount of all pilots of the respective syndicate whose ships are located in the cluster (in dock as well as out of dock) at the time the crime level is determined. Once the crime number is determined for each cluster, the amount of critical/high/medium/low crime-level clusters is calculated: amount_critical = ceil((amount_clusters/4)*ucf)Ranked by crime number in descending order, the clusters are then appointed critical/high/medium/low crime-levels in the amounts calculated above. For 19 relevant clusters, the distribution of critical/high/medium/low crime-level clusters may thus assume the following forms:
Last modification on this page: 2014-09-14
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